Gen Z Revolutionaries
Gen Revolutionaries
Hello guys. Welcome to our first official blog post. This week's issue is on gen z revolutionaries. These people are young and breaking ground in their various careers. From the techies to the entrepreneurs. All are trailblazers. They are an inspiration for any Gen z person. In this week's issue, they give us a glimpse into their choices and what led the on that path.
Carly Diuto. 24. Founder Crypto_SeriesX.
Carly is a Crypto Enthusiast. Facilitating blockchain adoption in Africa. When asked how he discovered the career he said "It just came to be. I saw a new tech that will disrupt and I just loved it and came in." He believes that he's motivated both by passion and poverty. This is what he had to say when we asked him if he thinks of himself as a revolutionary "Well I don't know who's a revolutionary but I know I want to create a system that'll build people and will stay on for years. If that defines a revolutionary, it's Ok." On whether he has figured it out "Not completely yet, but to have a community of 1000+ members, it shows people trust in what we're doing". I asked him much he loves what he does. He replied in the most amazing way and I quote "I don't have much to say on this now, we're still at the building stage." The final question was how he handles stress. He gave the most lovable and stunning answer. I don't see it as stress, I see it as what's meant to be, Lol. If you do your part, they'll do theirs. Unnecessary stress, I try to cut it off. Lol. Worthy of mention is the fact that Series Insider is done at no cost. Now if he's not a revolutionary who is then.
Patience. 26. CEO Fairylandpalace.
Patience is a makeup artist and the CEO of Fairylandpalace. On how she discovered her career she said "I've always loved Makeup right from the days of just black eye pencil, white powder and red lipstick momma would paint my face and I enjoyed doing the same to my friends." Her love for work is passion-fueled. She learnt so many skills like; Event decorations, Hairdressing, Making of hats and fascinators, Makeup and Gele. I dropped all just to face Makeup and Gele fully. It's passion one hundred per cent. She believes that she's a revolutionary in the beauty world and not in politics. You know what I agree with her.
She loves what she does so well. It's everything. On how she handles stress she said "I don't consider it as stress if I'd get money from it." A trailblazer I admire.
Stephen. 24. Founder Steve's Crypt.
Stephen is a crypto trader and businessman. He discovered his business career through dogs cause he found out he has this special love for animals so he's a breeder and joined crypto through his friend. His love for what he does is passion-fueled. Thinks of himself as a revolutionary. He agreed that he doesn't think he figured it out but he's on a pathway to discovery. He loves what he does. He deals with customers' stress by being patient, honest and truthful with them.